Thursday, November 9, 2006

What do you believe?

The Beliefs of the Committee to Abolish Washington State Estate Tax...

We believe it is morally wrong for death to trigger a tax on the property of the deceased. The deceased can no longer defend their property.
We believe that the dispersing of property is a private affair.
We believe the revenue department and their appraisers should not have access to our family affairs. Do you realize that prior to the 1981 initiative 402 appraisers even appraised wedding rings?
We believe that we should support our families rather than letting an aggressive revenue department levy assessments against the deceased's property.
We believe by abolishing the Washington State estate tax, we create opportunities to attract industry, jobs, and wealth to our state.
We believe that abolishing the Washington State estate tax will encourage retired families to keep residing in Washington State.
We believe that no Washington State tax should be tied to the internal revenue code.
We believe that all property (real and investment savings) should not be taxed more than once.
We believe all citizens of Washington State should be treated fairly.
We believe death should not be a taxable event.

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